Saturday, August 18, 2012

10 fun facts about bread baking in Costa Rica

1.  It is so hot and humid here that the yeast bread raises FAST!  Really fast!

2.  Some of the best looking bread is baked with the fire in the back of the oven. 

3.  Bread (and pizza of course) baked with fire in the back, has a special smoked taste.

4.  Pizza is awesome no matter what.
Using regular oil vs. olive oil really doesn't matter to a tico (or a gringa).

5.  If you ask a Costa Rican if they would like to try a calzone,
they will laugh!

6.  400 degrees isn't hot enough to brown bread,
but just a few secret minutes in an electric oven does the trick.

7.  Baking bread on cookie sheets is A LOT easier
than sweeping the coils and mopping the hearth.

8.  Baking sweet breads (on cookie sheets of course) in a brick oven are amazing! 

9.  You can easily get rid of multiple batching of bread
with one driver and one speedy passenger.

10.  Costa Rican's LOVE bread.
They love FREE bread.
Then they come back for more (with cash).

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