Sunday, May 27, 2012

Garage Sale Success: Raised $600+ towards our goal

The Elmwood Neighborhood 19+ family garage sale event on May 12th proved to be a great success for our first fundraising efforts!  We raised a total of $602.67! 

Was it the simple ten cent pricing on all clothing (including those with tags still attached)?  Maybe it was because there was virtually nothing over $3.00.  It definitely had something to do with Ana's food and beverage stand... sold out by 2:00.  The donation box and Juan's awesome FUNDRAISING sign brought in the crowds.  We started with a garage over flowing (and into the yard) of goodies to less than four boxes to give to another charity.

Special thanks to the Enennga's, Hoerr's and Larson's for their wonderful contribution of treasures for the event.   It had to be the most successful in the neighborhood.  Not only did we get rid our of our many treasures, people even came back for seconds!

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